The H9V replaces the Nicad Varta Battery Pack. Our module does not modify the camera in any way and can be interchanged with the Nicad at any time. It utilizes a 9 volt (common, universal) alkaline battery. Only one battery is needed. Our module maintains a faster advance speed than two Hasselblad Nicads. It weighs one third of the weight of one Nicad. It provides power for between 40 and 60 rolls of film per battery depending on the freshness and the manufacturer of the battery. A fresh battery can be installed in under one minute. No tools are necessary.The advantages over using the Hasselblad Nicad Battery are: l) It replaces the need of a Nicad and charger; 2) No more l4 hour timed charging; 3) No more battery doors blown off the side of your camera from swelled Nicads; and 4) No need for Hasselblad priced replacement batteries (if you can find one). The H 9V is bringing the EL & ELM series Hasselblads back into this milenium, the module has had no adverse affects on the cameras. The voltage is slightly higher than the nicads, but the amperage and size of the battery balances out this factor. We have sold hundreds of these modules without one return or complaint.
H9V $45.00 each .shipping $3.00 per unit. |