Metz 45 and 60 Series Flash Batteries


 Metz 45 Series Battery Pack (M P45)

Battery pack with enough power for two complete weddings.
Fast recycle time
15 minute charging (A/C or from your car)
Easy Battery change
Velcro mounted
No Modification to Flash Unit
Battery contact is drawn from battery shell (Alkaline battery holder included with flash, or Nicad Cluster shell with Nicads removed)
You send us either of the above shells and we add necesssary modifications to use our Battery.



Start up kit includes:

A/C D/C Peak Charger (charging is micro processor controlled and stops when peak voltage is reached)
2 Batteries
Modification of your battery shell
Mounting velcro to mount batteries to flash.
$165.00 each
Shipping $11.00 Per Unit


 MPPCL45 Battery and Modification to your battery shell Mounting Velcro included.

$50.00 each
Shipping $4.60 Per Unit


 MP45 Metz 45 Series Battery

$35.00 Each

Shipping $4.60 Per Battery


M45CLMM Metz 45CL Modification to Cluster Module.

(Send us your Nicad or alkaline Cluster for Modification.)

$25.00 Per Mod.

Shipping $4.60 per Unit


PBCU Peak battery charger for Metz 45 batteries. AC or 12 volt powered.

$100.00 Per Charger

Shipping $9.50 per Unit

Ordering: Orders can be called in, faxed, or e-mailed.
Credit card or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to Christopher Glenn.

22815 Ventura Blvd #245, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

 Powersource Home Page
